Category: Howto

Opening Ports with iptables 0

Opening Ports with iptables

iptables is a common linux software firewall. However, for many new linux users who are unfamiliar with the command line (or google!) some simple tasks such as opening a port on the firewall in order to allow a web-facing service to be reachable by everyone can be daunting. However, it’s actually quite simple. Just issue the following command; iptables -I...

ffdshow Bypassing Xonar’s Control Panel and Settings 0

ffdshow Bypassing Xonar’s Control Panel and Settings

I recently bought an Asus Xonar DX as I was getting fed up of the interference on my onboard sound card. However, as I use headphones I often need to use the soundcard’s functions to boost the bass a bit if I want to hear it. While most applications would go via the Xonar control panel and boost the bass,...

Installing KDE on Ubuntu 0

Installing KDE on Ubuntu

Ever felt like trying out the KDE desktop interface, but didn’t fancy downloading Kubuntu and installing from scratch? Good news! You can easily install KDE from your current Gnome-based Ubuntu install and it’s dead simple. Open up Synaptic Package Manager and search for “kubuntu” in the quick search, in the list of results select kubuntu-desktop and then click apply. Synaptic...

Out of memory on the Nokia E71? 7

Out of memory on the Nokia E71?

Recently, my phone has been complaining that it is out of memory, and hence disables automatic retreival of email amongst other things. Try as I might, I just couldn’t free up any extra space – I install programs to the memory card and keep all of my files on there. I couldn’t see anything on the phone I could delete....

Votekicking Admins on Left 4 Dead 2

Votekicking Admins on Left 4 Dead

I run several Left 4 Dead servers which I play on regularly, these are all public servers with unrestricted access. Unlike previous Valve games, Left 4 Dead includes a built in vote kick system, which is sensible since due to the server sizes, it’s unlikely you will have an admin player playing, hence the voting system is used for removing...