Tagged: IPsec


Creating a Basic, Always On, Mobile Compatible IPSEC VPN

For a while, i’ve wanted to create a working always-on VPN from my phone back to my internal network. Partly to be able to access my network resources from anywhere, but also to provide additional security while out and about. WiFi hotspots are well known for their weaknesses, but increasingly mobile data connections are also at risk, with most mobile...


Setting up a Policy-Based IPsec VPN between a Palo Alto PA-200 and pfSense

As part of an ongoing home network project, i’m trying to set up an IPsec VPN mesh between different sites – e.g. my own home, family home and VPS hypervisor located in an offsite datacentre. The reasoning behind this? Because I can and because it’s fun! To allow for easier resource sharing and remote diagnosis. To allow for an always-on VPN...

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